15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved - Mark 16:15-16

Addiction & Mental Health
We have recently partnered with SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) and one of our own members, Dr. Lucy R. Cannon CEO of Behavioral Health Services, LLC to provide an Addiction Workshop. Dr. Cannon discussed the signs and symptoms of underage alcohol and drug abuse and how to prevent it.
Atlanta Inner City Ministry
The Mission of Atlanta Inner-city Ministry is to involve Christians in fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission with authentic urban ministry.
~ We seek to minister like Jesus to the felt needs and spiritual needs of the individual
~ We seek each week to teach children, youth, and adults the Word of God.
~ We seek to equip Christians from Atlanta’s churches to minister in the urban culture
~ We seek to honor the person more than the program
~ We seek God to show His blessings on our ministry with a growing, autonomous, multi-ethnic, and multi-economic urban congregation
~ We seek to keep our eyes open to God’s leading in future direction of ministry

Book Bag Giveaway
Every year we host a back to school fair with free food, haircuts, games and back pack with school supplies.
Caleb’s Cause
The mission of Caleb's Cause, Inc. is to bring support, assistance, and encouragement to local amputees and wounded veterans! All Ages... whether you're young, old, a runner, or a walker, anyone can be a part of Caleb's Cause.