
Teen Small Group

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /

Bible study after worship in the Teen Room. Lunch provided. Pick-up at 1pm.

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Gulf Youth Experience Payment #1 due of $40.

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /

This will secure your spot, please pay today!

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Braves Game

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /

We will have lunch right after worship and head to the park for a 3:20pm game. Perry is joining us with a group from Tennessee. Return around 7:30pm. Tickets $40 plus bring money for snacks.  

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Fall Retreat Payment due of $40.

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /
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Teen Small Group

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /

Bible study after worship in the Teen Room. Lunch provided. Pick-up at 1pm.

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Winterfest Payment #2 of $40 is due.

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /
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Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat

By Melinda Brown / June 11, 2024 /

We will worship at 10am but will not have Bible School. Fall Festival will begin at noon with a soup, chili, and hotdog lunch. Then we will have fun and games, followed by trunk or treat. We will have contests for the best chili, soup, dessert, trunk, pumpkin carving and more.  We need gift card…

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Ladies’ Fall Retreat

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /

We will spend the night at The Dillard House and be led by Kay Savage on Saturday. She will explore Walking with God on the Road you never wanted to Travel with us. We will have time to enjoy each other’s company, relax and explore.

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Youth Fall Retreat

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /

We will go with the Oak Hill Youth group to Camp Inagehi for our Fall retreat. Cost $40.

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Teen Small Group

By Melinda Brown / August 12, 2024 /

Bible study after worship in the Teen Room. Lunch provided. Pick-up at 1pm.

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