Working with Atlanta Inner-City Ministries (AIM) to serve the homeless in Atlanta. We will deliver food, clothes, and supplies to the homeless and help pick up trash to be placed in a dumpster for their area. We will leave the building at 8:00am (Eat before you come), deliver supplies, and clean till around noon. We will…
Roller skating, lunch, & Laser Tag at Sparkles in Lawrenceville, Ga. Leave the building at 9:30, skate & tag from 10:00-12:00, return to the building at 1:00 for games and pick up at 2:00. Cost $10
We will leave the building at 8:00am on Thursday the 10th of June and return around 5:00-6:00 on Friday the 11th of June. Sleep in the cabins and the cost is free. We will eat breakfast around 9:00 when arriving, work till around 5:00 on Thursday. Have a devotional, hangout, and games with the church…