Teen Small Group

Bible Study at the building right after the AM worship.  We will provide lunch, the Small Groups Bible Study following.  Get to know others on a deeper level and go deeper in our Bible Study too!  Cost: Free


We will have an all-night lock-in at the building with movies, games, snacks and breakfast in the morning. Drop-off will be at 9:00 PM and pick-up is at 8:00 AM.

Camp Inagehi

We will leave on Sunday at 2:00 and return around 9:00pm on Friday evening. Great lessons, activities, themes and videos. This is for 3rd-12th grades (Must be 9 yrs. old).  Cost: (TBD by the camp)


at Harding University. We will leave on Friday the 21st at 7:00am and return to the building on Thursday the 27th around 8:00pm.  Great lessons, games, keynotes, devotionals, and hundreds of friends to meet. Registration is on the Uplift website, https://www.upliftonline.com/