Teen Small Group

Bible Study at the building right after the AM worship.  We will provide lunch and will conclude a 4-part video series entitled Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris.  Cost: Free  

Graduation Reception

will be right after service for our graduating seniors. This will be your time to shine and show-off what you have accomplished! Seniors will have tables in the lobby to display any pictures, awards or anything else that represents them and their time in school.

Teen Small Group

Bible Study at the building right after the AM worship.  We will provide lunch, the Small Groups Bible Study following.  Get to know others on a deeper level and go deeper in our Bible Study too!  Cost: Free


We will have an all-night lock-in at the building with movies, games, snacks and breakfast in the morning. Drop-off will be at 9:00 PM and pick-up is at 8:00 AM.